Conscious Self-Improvement Independently

Conscious Self-Improvement by Esmeralda Blossom is a book that explores the Life Realms of a Human Being. Humans self-improve according to their Consciousness level and how they transform Energies within and around them. Progressing through the Realms of Life to expand their Consciousness to access the Akashic Records for Infinite Knowledge. Everything is subject to Cause & Effect. Although, there are many obstacles for humans to achieve their full potential. For example, it’s important to be aware of all sorts of manipulative cults worldwide created by humanoids with lower levels of consciousness. It’s essential for an individual to cultivate Noble Values to enhance one’s Consciousness and ditch inhuman selfish traits which hinder True Freedom & Happiness. The quality of one’s life depends on one's Merits. The more that you liberate your being from the ego the more Virtuous you will become and Freer to leave the vicious circle of pleasure & suffering. Reflect upon your life, keep a secret diary to help you to Know Yourself better and change positively for a more fulfilling life. Follow a Universal Morality through your Clear Intuition, Compassion can resolve any issue.


Then, a Healthy Lifestyle is vital for a one’s overall Wellbeing. Adequate nourishing and rest that involves Real Food, moderate Harmonious Exercise, and Quality Sleep. A Biodynamic Raw Living Vegan diet is ideal for Optimum Health, and it is environmentally friendly. Natural beauty products are vital for a beautiful physique and feeling great. Listen to your body, be proactive and see what harmonious body movements can improve your lifestyle. Yoga enables you to discover what your body can offer to its full potential. Cherish your body’s potential and do not ruin it with dangerous sports, practice low injury risk sports instead. Beautiful dancing or fitness training outdoors in nature. The Magic of Nature nurtures your Inner Child, the Real You, to Awaken Consciousness to perceive and understand the world better. Energy all around is transformed through Nature, mechanically or consciously. The human mind channels positive or negative energy through the body improving one’s health or causing psychosomatic conditions. Natural Medicine and Spiritual Healing can bring you overall health, as the mind, body & spirit are connected energetically. Ordinary humans face health issues due to their absence of spirituality, a lost good Connection with their Spirit.


Moreover, negative energies, from toxic people, can influence people into addictions. People with addictions have a broken connection with their spirit. They need Inner Strength to establish that Healthy Balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit within. The ability to quit addictions varies on the person’s Self-Discipline and circumstances. Meditation can help any addict to discover the root cause of one’s addiction. See the Light by connecting with one’s Essence and listen to one’s Inner Voice for guidance towards the right help. Addicts are more susceptible in critical moments. Hopefully a trustworthy person may guide them in the right direction, otherwise, if they are on their own, Prayer and Inner Spiritual Guidance will help them find the way out of their addiction. Vulnerable people are more likely to be deceived by unscrupulous people who selfishly want to make profit. So, a professional outpatient detox program may be the solution. Any addiction can ruin the person; so, stop, think again before you decide to overindulge.


Be Health-Conscious, meet your real needs and Enjoy Life. Emotionally Intelligent people harness their Life Experience Wisdom to live the present better, use opportunities to self-improve and move forward intelligently. Each human has a different EQ depending on one’s emotional state. All answers to life are within you, which you can discover through Meditation. Decode your Higher Feelings, Superior Emotions are felt through the Sixth Sense that provide you with Purposeful Guidance. Super Cognitive Powers can be developed by accessing all your faculties within your brain without limits. Sacred Language uses words of Wisdom & Love that help humans to develop Superpowers, ultimately achieving Enlightenment. Effective communication is likely with clear and well-developed senses, empathy, and affinity. Transcendental Intelligence is understanding how to use matter and energy consciously. There is intelligence in all nature, at different levels in each living form. Nature abides by laws of Cause & Effect, which manage the existence of everything. Ideas from the Mind & Heart materialize with actions following the mechanics of Vital Energy through space and time among masses. The History of the Universe is spread throughout Space-Time. The Universe is created through Quantum Communication.


All humans have a Connection with the Universe that can bring Unlimited Positive Energy. Genuinely intelligent people are guided by their Intuition to do Good in the World. Extraordinary Souls can Forgive with Love that brings Peace, Harmony, Freedom & Happiness. But negative people block themselves and others from this Cosmic Connection. If mean people would act according to their Soul Guidance, they would not harm others. Regardless, be immune to negative experiences with those mean people and protect yourself energetically. Be a Good Citizen, for example, know what to do if someone is in a life-or-death emergency. Calmness, Common Sense, and Knowledge will help you overcome most dangers for yourself and others. Moreover, further your lifesaving skills to Survive in the Wilderness. Awareness of your surroundings is crucial to survive in the wild. Prioritize your survival skills according to your vital needs, be prepared for immediate dangers. Knowledge in Natural Sciences and how to communicate with Elementals in Nature will improve your Survival chances.


Rely on Mother Nature to survive. Additionally, be Knowledgeable and Resourceful with navigational clues in the wild. Navigate when your energies are recharged. Stop, observe, listen to your guts, think, and plan. Use terrain association, navigation instruments, astronomical observations, and survival signals. If there is potential danger, listen to your immediate Intuition and be in control of your environment. Spatial Awareness will allow you to know your location and find your way to civilization. Despite all the opportunities and comforts you get in the urban life, once you are back to civilization, be also prepared in case of an unexpected urban tragedy. Even when you drive, prioritize Comfort and Safety over style. Probably, man-made disasters like a nuclear explosion could be worse, but still survivable depending on time, distance, and shielding. Being able to survive in the wild and during disasters, being in tune with Nature and well connected with the Universe will Awaken your hidden Superpowers.


When there are no disasters, an ordinary day should be easy. Work diligently to make your dreams come true. But then, you will need to overcome the ‘urban wild animals’ to create a Beautiful Lifestyle for yourself and other good people. The road to professional success will be challenging, set higher standards and work to improve your Expertise. When you maximize your skills, you will be more indispensable to the world. Network with the right people and get expert mentoring. A successful PR is a master of good manners to ease human relations to make a better world through people’s great interactions. Although, you should still stand your ground with negative people, so they do not get advantage of your Kindness. Positive relationships are essential in life, Good Human Interactions start with Sympathy which develops into Friendships that are then strengthened with Affinity and nourished with Integrity. When you Follow your Heart, the Spiritual Flame that ignites inside is Love that gives you Wisdom to do right. Love & Wisdom are the foundations of White Magic, using energies for good purposes.

Humans yearn to find a special partner to spend their lives with, Twin Flames. Sex Magic is Vital. Many couples are changing from conventional sexuality to a more fulfilling lovemaking like Karezza to make their relationships more Loving, instead of lustful. Vitality lies in the Sexual Forces. Therefore, the Transmutation of these Creative Energies is Vital for Health, Wellbeing and ultimately for achieving one’s full potential as a Superhuman. White Tantra can enhance a long-lasting loving marriage, both spouses rejuvenate, charged with Powerful Forces to achieve Enlightenment. The goal of Rejuvenation is Immortality, which is only achievable by True Masters. The Elixir of Long Life has been secretly known by ancient spiritual civilizations. Through Rejuvenation Rituals, Chakras can be opened and enlightened by one’s Vital Energies flowing within the body to rejuvenate and awaken one’s Inner Faculties. Sacred Sexuality is the Return to Innocence, the Natural functioning of Creative Forces vitalizing the entire body. Marriages that practice Alchemy can engender Indigo children because they are Offspring of Love, not fornication. These Special Children have Beautiful Souls with a Conscious Mission to Help Humanity.

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