
Romance Resolutions

For some people, Valentine’s Day could be either a Wonderful Loving day or an emotionally painful day. Blessed are those who have a Special Romantic Partner to Love and be Loved. For those who are single or in a situationship, for your Inner Peace and Soul Happiness, understand that you can take control of your emotional pain and vanish it. This could be a good time to reflect on the Romantic area in your Life to Manifest the Romance that you Wish. Please understand that nowadays, it has become more difficult to build Loving Relationships due to the negative influence of society as it’s becoming more materialistic. There is a lack of importance about Love and Good Values within the Human Being. And there is too much greed and lust. There is degeneration and lack of empathy spread out in the media, which is negatively affecting people’s psychology and emotions. Superior emotions like Love are laughed at, and there are more mental health issues. Psychopathy has become a trend, which to me is ridiculous, but it may be a coping mechanism for someone who is constantly caught up in toxic environments. Some organisations and companies rather to keep people single with brainwashing and unreasonable policies, for their convenience as it can be more profitable for them. Then, envious people will try to separate Happy Couples in their weakest moments.


Anyhow, you can escape from all these negativities in the world by becoming a Good Human Being to attract a Special Partner to have a Wonderful Loving relationship. And you can outsmart the system to keep your Relationship Alive and Beautiful. Don’t feed your mind with the garbage that is in the media. Meditate and keep always in touch with your Soul to give you Guidance for a Wonderful Life. Take control of your Life around the system.


If you are in a Romantic Relationship that is deep down in your Heart, Restore it, Re-energize it and Protect it as a Precious Gem. Do not allow your negative mind, any negative circumstances, nor toxic people to negatively affect your Romantic Life. Avoid bad personal advice from people and even from so-called professionals. Listen to your Intuition to discern what is right or wrong for you. I know that sometimes when you are going through challenges with your Romantic Partner you get the urge to go and ask others for advice. But you could hold on, keep calm and be patient to deal with the challenges directly with your partner. Keep your Romantic Relationship Private as best as you can. I think that there is always some challenge in a Romantic Relationship, so sort this out with your partner. Follow your Heart and not so much your self-interest and learn to Love your Partner Unconditionally. Shallow your pride, never get angry, do not retaliate, but work on your errors to eliminate to develop and maintain a Good Romantic Relationship.


To conserve the Love between both of you, eliminate anger, jealousy, egoism… and live Righteously. Then, in case of any conflict, Reconciliation without Resentment is needed to restore the Peace and Love in your Romantic Relationship. If you are single, or not satisfied with your romantic relationship, Plan to Improve your Romantic Life. Imagine the Qualities you want in your Romantic Partner and the Ideal Romantic Relationship you would like to have. Have Faith and Live the Happiness of your Planned Wonderful Relationship as it would be happening Now practicing Manifestation techniques regularly. Being in a High Vibrational state like when you are in Love and you are Happy will help you to Attract and Manifest the kind of Romance you Wish. Keep your Good Vibes and take Care of yourself to attract an Amazing Romance into your Life. Start Living a Life of Abundance and Love right Now with your Imagination, that will Manifest eventually if you keep your Faith but keep your negativities away.


Learn how to be more Romantic. Discuss the Theme of Love with people in a Happy Loving Relationship, Happy People who you Admire. Self-improve and be the Best Version of Yourself. Create the Life that you are Satisfied with to attract a Partner whom you have a Special Connection with. You need to Feel Serene and Satisfied with your Life. Then, as I already mentioned, that you should Protect your Romantic Relationship from negative people, the same you need to Protect Yourself when you are single from negative people to remove any blockages preventing you from Attracting that Special Partner. Keep a Positive and Ambitious Frame of Mind to create the Life that you want. Avoid talking to losers as they can disturb your Positive Ambitious Frame of Mind. Because they will be likely to project their limiting beliefs and failures on you, potentially dragging you down. You need to be surrounded by People who are Intelligent and Positive, whom will always Encourage you to Suceed without limitations to achieve anything Good in Life including the Love that you Want.


Discuss the Theme of Love with your Romantic Partner on Valentine’s Day. This Day is a Special Occasion for Couples to express their Love for Each Other and Share Thoughtful Gifts. I personally think that it’s a Good Idea to Celebrate your Wonderful Loving Relationship after the Valentine’s Day for a more Relaxed Quality Time with your Partner, to avoid the stress of busier places, higher prices, etc.

Gift Ideas for Him


True Romance and figuring out the Best Gift for Him is understanding what He really likes. A Love Letter is a Thoughtful way to express your Love for him. Then, be Generous to get him Sneakers. Pyjamas. A Cosy Soft Blanket. Good Quality Incense and Non-Toxic Candles with Heavenly Scents (to keep Him in a Good Mood). Or Alcohol-free Perfume (as it’s easier on the sensitive skin). And even a Cute Gift for his Cat, if he’s got one. I would particularly go for a Gift for his Beard. A Kit with Beard Wash, Detangler, Face Towel, Comb, Shears, Hair Dryer, Balm, Conditioning Oil, Brush. Quality Products (for sensitive skin, in case) to maintain a Well-Groomed, Beautifully Soft and Healthy Beard with all Fullness.


Give Ideas for Her


True Romance and figuring out the Best Gift for Her is understanding what She really likes. A Love Letter is a Thoughtful way to express your Love for Her. Then, be Generous to get Her Classy Clothes. Jewellery with Precious Stones like Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire and Diamond. Or Crystals of the Finest Quality with Brilliant Sparkles to express your Love and Admiration for her.


I love Red Roses Bouquets, or any Bright Colour Really. Roses give more Life to everything with their Magical Power through their Vivid Colours, Lovely Blooms, Velvety Texture, Delicate Petals, and their Pure, Pleasant Fragrances. The Rose is the Queen of the Flowers. The Rose symbolises True Love & Radiant Beauty. As the Rose Opens its Petals to Express its Beauty and Gives a Lovely Fragrance.Love opens the Lover’s Heart to be their Best Version of Themselves, to be Generous and Kind to their Beloved One. The Rose bears Thorns to Protect its Fragile Beauty. As you should Guard your Heart to give your Love to a Special Partner who will appreciate it.   




The miracle of Love. True Love begins with a gleam of affinity, enigmatic soul connection, is nourished with the vital force of affection, and is bonded with adoration. Beautiful souls know how to Love. Love is nurtured with affinity and compatibility. Although, differences can be complementary. Better focus more on soul compatibility rather than superficial compatibility, which can be overcome by changing to better circumstances.


The kiss is a spiritual exchange of magnetic energy between two souls in love. Masculine and Feminine energies are combined and transmuted to nurture each other’s soul in a transcendental experience of Love. A couple that practises Sexual Transmutation with Karezza could feel attracted incessantly by the Divine force of Love which creates a Magical Beautiful Aura around this couple. It’s the negative force of Lust and the lack of Purpose in Life that reduces the intimate attraction of a couple over time. So, substitute Lust for Love and keep on pursuing your true Purpose in Life.


If all Human Beings were in Loving relationships, happiness, peace, harmony, and freedom would make the planet Earth a paradise to live in. When a couple is truly in love, there is an energetic and vibrational emanation from within each of one of them that makes them more magnetic to attract great opportunities in life.


This is why it’s so important to take care of your heart as a sacred golden temple, a heart of gold. Always keep that innocence within your heart. Although, Life can be challenging at times, and you need to develop the immediate resilience to restore your heart when others wrong you. Do not allow anyone to cast any negativity to your heart, repel it back instead. If anyone enters your heart temple to steal or vandalise it, as soon as they leave, restore your inner golden temple diligently and protect it, guard your heart.


You need to open your heart to love, therefore, you need to develop the spiritual skill to restore your heart constantly to keep loving. Never give up on love because of wrongdoers, just be resilient and live life to the fullest with Love. Do not hold any resentment, this is why instant forgiveness is vital to keep a healthy heart and a beautiful soul to move forward in life. Practice Unconditional Love instead of heartbreak and have faith to be loved again with hope and diligence pursuing your true purpose in Life.


Yes, you need to select the people you associate with, and it’s vital to stay away from negative people, but when you have a heart connection with someone, follow it and work through the difficulties, leave the distrust aside, but live your Life with Intense Love with your Resilience Skill at hand in case. Use Positivity and Manifestation techniques to make sure that your love wishes are granted, and you don’t need to use your Resilience Skill to restore your heart back to Love, but this skill should always be available for your Soul for you to stay in a loving state forever. Love within stimulates the endocrine glands throughout your body. The Energy of Love stimulates Vitality within the Body. All these loving hormones revitalising your body makes you more beautiful inside out. Love is a cosmic force, so trust the Universe to make your wishes come true. Love is fed with love, so always keep ignited the flame of love in your romantic relationship as a daily habit of living. Love comes from within your Being, your Soul connected to God. So, when you are single, you can use that Divine Love within you to Love Yourself and attract a Loving partner. And when you attract that Loving partner you can both share your Divine loves together. Do not be desperate, but Have Faith in Fate, in God to bring you that Special partner and protect your Romance.


I hope your Day is Full of Love!


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